Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Blog Post

It was really hard for me to find websites for the publishing assignment however after some searching I can across BookTango and Lulu. I'm not sure if BookTango can completely relate to our class because it seems like longer pieces are usually published there. However it allows reviewing and editing by an online editor. Then writers can upload an entire piece with a cover included. Once its published it stays in an online library where people can search and read the writers piece.
Here is the link to BookTango:

Lulu is an online publishing site that is similar to book tango. It is easy to use and free to sign up for. It helps edit and work out any errors with an online editing system. Then it is published online and you can create hard copies with shipping. 
Here is the link to Lulu:

Ferguson Case:
Personally I do not keep up with current events as much as I should. However I know enough about the situation to add my input. I think it is ridiculous how people are rioting, fighting and burning things. These actions will not change anything in the grand scheme of things.  Animalistic behavior unfortunately ties into stereotypical behavior. I understand that people are upset by the outcome of this case and I also understand the argument where race comes into play. I think people need to see both sides of situation in order to understand the out come and reactions of people. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nicolette,

    I agree with you as I don't believe that looting and riots are a necessary way for people to voice an opinion or express a concern. I feel that they could have done something in a better way to better voice their concerns and expressions toward the incident involving the officer and Michael Brown. I do believe that race is always a topic of concern when involving the police and the public. Every incident on the news involves a white officer in authority and perceives a person who is black to be the bad guy. I agree that people need to see both sides before lashing out but to go as far to looting and riots, was not the best way to go about protesting. The protestors should have gone about it in a different way that didn't seem so hanious and disrespectful to the overall community. It's great that people all over the United States was supportive of Michael Brown, but in some cases walking out on the highway was an unsafe riot act. Riots and looting is going to give people involved noticed, but won't necessary solve any problems for the future. It just shows people that these things are okay to do if you want to make a stand for something that wasn't right, but at the same time break the laws and deface property.
