Friday, December 5, 2014

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Blog Post

It was really hard for me to find websites for the publishing assignment however after some searching I can across BookTango and Lulu. I'm not sure if BookTango can completely relate to our class because it seems like longer pieces are usually published there. However it allows reviewing and editing by an online editor. Then writers can upload an entire piece with a cover included. Once its published it stays in an online library where people can search and read the writers piece.
Here is the link to BookTango:

Lulu is an online publishing site that is similar to book tango. It is easy to use and free to sign up for. It helps edit and work out any errors with an online editing system. Then it is published online and you can create hard copies with shipping. 
Here is the link to Lulu:

Ferguson Case:
Personally I do not keep up with current events as much as I should. However I know enough about the situation to add my input. I think it is ridiculous how people are rioting, fighting and burning things. These actions will not change anything in the grand scheme of things.  Animalistic behavior unfortunately ties into stereotypical behavior. I understand that people are upset by the outcome of this case and I also understand the argument where race comes into play. I think people need to see both sides of situation in order to understand the out come and reactions of people. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Final Book Club Post

When finishing Princes: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil, I had many thoughts and feelings. The last chapters so many things happened. I was disappointed to see Kareem's true colors, when he wanted to have a second wife. I feel this turn of events signifies the theme that all deep down all Saudi Men have the same beliefs regarding patriarchy.  I was proud when Sultana got up and escaped for the country with her children and fooled Kareem. Throughout the story Sultana's feistiness increased and decreased but it was always present. Unfortunately, I felt that during some parts of her story she fell into the casualties of being a princess and forgot about her original goals and beliefs.
While reading the end of the book, I can't help but feel that understand to both Sultana and her friends and Kareem and his thoughts. Sultana and her friends were using the war with Iraq, Kuwait and America as a way to advance the women's place in society. I can see why they would use this vulnerable time to take action. However I can see why Kareem is upset because the country is in chaos.
In all I felt I learned a lot of Saudi culture and religion. I think a lot of the issues that are present in the nation are due to religion fundamentalism. Saudi people take the role of the Koran to literal and apply in in the wrong places. The extreme religious practice and memorization of the Koran in my eyes is a form of brainwashing Saudi's people.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Death of A Playmate (mixed up dates with book club)

Because Death of a Playmate was a magazine article, it had a lot of freedom which is something I enjoy about magazine. The piece immediately grabbed my attention just by the tittle. I feel with the subject matter it is one that would attract many people because its focus on sexuality, relationship failure and life and death. I am not completely sure how I feel about the quotes because in a way I think there may have been too many and took away the authors voice. Overall I did like it but I think that’s because of the magazine format.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Book Club 11/5

Chapter 13 begins with a paragraph discussing how Saudi Arabian women of Sultana's mothers age spend their entire life waiting to be married. Although very different, it made me think of some girls in my generation because many girls only focus on that. The women of Sultana's mothers generation had no choice. However girls my age do not appreciate the opportunities they have and only focus on their future with men. 
Another thing that struck me as familiar was the mother-son bond. Like above the situations are much different, but sometimes in American culture you see an unbreakable mother-son bond. A daughter-in-law with struggle to fit the demands of the mother and will always fall short no matter what. It is much different from the Arab culture but the similarities are still present. It makes me think maybe it routes from a psychological aspect of human nature.  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Above is the link to my midterm portfolio. Enjoy.

Book Club 10/28

This week for book club we only read two chapters because we are ahead. However a lot happened in the two chapters. My favorite part of this weeks reading was to see the progress Sultana has made as a female. Although she is getting married at a young age, her situation is working to her advantage. She is the first female to ever meet and chat with her fiancé before the wedding. This shows progress for females in the middle east.
Kareem, Sultana's new husband, is not the typical Saudi Arabian man. He admires how high spirited Sultana is. He also respects her as a person and does not force her into any relations she doesn't want to partake in. As I was reading I almost felt that this situation was too good to be true. However, as the book goes on it foreshadows a downfall because of his mother. His mother despises Sultana's actions and believes. It is evident that she is going to try and ruin their marriage.
As I read these chapters I felt proud of Sultana. Her actions and high spirited ways make her one of a kind. The wedding was a great festival that everyone enjoyed, even though in the past everyone dreaded it. Her behaviors and attitude is hopefully only the beginning of progress for females.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

book club 2

This past week we read up to chapter 11. After reading this chapters my opinion regarding Saudi men have become more negative. In this weeks reading, Sultana's mother passed away and her father remarried a 15 year old girl only 4 months after his late wife's passing. This incidence made me lose even more respect for these men because there was no sympathy for the Sultana's mother. As I was reading I learned that to mourn is to go against God's will in this religion. However, I could not overcome my anger in this situation.
          Another incident that made me ever more hateful of the men in this culture. Is when Ali and his friend were traveling in Cairo. The boys were caught buying little girls and raping them. Unfortunately in these societies this is an accepted behavior. I still can not fathom how this is allowed. It made me realize how lucky women are here in the USA. While this was going on, his friend was practicing to be a relgious figure, yet still taking part in the rapes. He would also say these incidents occurred all because of the women and their "evilness." I think it is insane that a human being could have a thought process like this.
       It is clear that events like this is what angers Sultana and makes her want to change the lives for women there. I feel that this book is an effort to reveal the truth about the society. Although the story of the princess is written by an author, not by her self, I feel that the emotions, experiences and stories hold extreme truth. I feel the author and the princess must have spent countless hours together in order to do the Princess justice in the story.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Book Club Post for 10/8

My group has read the first five chapters of Princess: A True Story Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia. First I would like to say I had so many reactions while reading these first chapters. The lifestyle that the women face in the middle east is inhumane. I was unaware of just how awful females were treated in areas like Saudia Arabia.
The main character, the youngest girl of the Royal Family, is rebellious and skeptical of her families culture. She has a strong hatred for her brother Ali. She is constantly ruining his belongings out of resentment and anger, and I can't say that I blame her.
The father and all of the males in the story are cold, stern and abusive to women. The father, the head of the Royal family has four wires and 22 daughters which angers him greatly. He spends his money on so absurdly that he even has four of the same houses with the exact same things inside of them. I found that ridiculous. The father forces his daughter to marry a sixty year old man. Sara goes into a deep depression and eventually tries to kill herself because her husband is forcing her to do unnatural sexual activities. The father still sides with the husband yet agrees to make him divorce her. The father and all men in this culture believe that men can do no wrong even when they murder their wives.
So far, I find this book eye opening, I was not aware of just how cruel the males were to the females in the middle easter society. I was also unaware of limited the women were.

Monday, September 29, 2014

What I learned from the weekend reading?

      After reading the assigned sections in Telling True Stories, I feel more comfortable with beginning my profile draft process. There were a few great points that stood out to me from the assigned reading. First, one thing that seemed important to me was what TTS had to say about quotations. Fewer quotations gives writers the power to control the story. I think this is crucial because quotes shouldn't manipulate YOUR story. Also TTS mentioned using fewer quotations; one strong quotation has more power than several weak quotations.
      Another important section of TTS, is the section that mentions taking the reader of his or her own belief. It mentions taking the reader out of the train station or doctors office and put them in the main characters eyes. Suspend the readers disbelief.
The last crucial section of this reading is the one regarding setting scene. I think while I write my profile how powerful the scene is will manipulate how well the piece is. TTS says there are several important parts to setting the scene.
1.)  Accuracy 2.) Atmosphere 3.) Dialogue and 4.) Emotion
      If I incorporate all of the above tips from TTS, I feel my profile will have power to interest the reader through the entire piece.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Book Club

Princess: A True Story of Life Behind The Veil, seems like it will different from anything I have ever read before . After looking at a brief summary, I am expecting the book to be an eye opener for myself. The book is based on a Sultana, a Saudi Arabian princess, and her life from childhood to adulthood. It tells readers about what she experiences as a women in a society strongly ruled by men. The book also attempts to share the hidden reality of women. She tries to uncover the truth about the lack of freedom and power she has for herself.
I think after reading this book I will gain a new appreciation for the freedom and opportunities I have as a young women. I also think I will have a different view on the Saudi Arabian society all together. I am eager to read and learn about the hidden truths that women in this society face on a day to day basis.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Zepps Last Stand

There were many things I liked about Zepps Last Stand. Madeline Blais wrote the profile with vivid descriptions which gave the reader an exact idea about just what time of old man Zepp was. Both the physical description and the description of his personality painted a perfect image for the reader that allowed for a better understanding of the character.
Blais's use of quotes also allowed a better understanding of Zepp. When she said, "And the reason I'm here at my advanced age-…" gave the reader an idea of just how determined Zepp was without actually flat out saying it.
Blais also organized this work well which made it easier to understand because of her use of chronological order. I feel that the combined efforts of Blais with organization, description and quotation is what made this profile interesting to the audience.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mrs Kelly's Monster

            While reading the profile by Jon Franklin, different emotions and thoughts were whirling through my head the entire time.   Franklin began his work with quick introduction to Dr. Ducker’s workday followed up with Mrs. Kelly’s story. This introduction immediately grabbed my interest as the reader. Franklin mapped out exactly what was going in with “the monster” and how severely it affected her for 57 years.
            As Franklin continued, he used direct quotes from Mrs. Kelly like “I’m not afraid to die” and “ I’ve lost part of my eye sight…” By using these direct quotes, Franklin shows the reader just how harmful “the monster” has been.
            Through the entire profile, Franklin uses descriptive words to emphasis how microscopic and intense the surgery is which makes a vivid image for the reader. His continuous use of millimeter enforces the fact that surgery of the brain is intense.

            Franklin continues to write in a way that makes the reader want to continue, which is one of the main goals of a profile. Additionally, his illustration of Mrs. Kelly and her struggle makes you feel for her. Franklin writes in a way that you gain hope when he gets the first aneurism, then lose hope when the monster is in the way. Franklin’s writing has your emotions up and down the entire time. Franklin makes the reader attached to Mrs. Kelly, it is very disappointing to see that “the monster won.”

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Blog 1- English 280

Three possible profile options:
1.) Leah Nabstetd- A mother of 3 boys with Autism all under the age of 14.
2.) David Brids-  A recovering heroine addict with 10 months sober trying to overcome addiction for good.
3.) Marlene Pettine- the mother of a grown man that suffers from bipolar disorder and depression.